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Claes Erwin

Erwin Claes (°1977) is a lecturer and author of youth novels, with a Masters-degree in Archaeology (University of Leuven). The past twenty years he gained experience as a teacher of art-history and history in a school for Adult Education in Leuven. He is also a freelance expert-lecturer for Amarant, an organisation for art-education, where he teaches archaeological and art-historic subjects and he is a guide in art-oriented group-travels and exhibitions. Since 2012 he is a lecturer in art-education at PXL-MAD.

Erwin not only has a passion for art-education, but also for story-telling. In the pas fifteen years he has written nine youth novels and two art-educative picture books which all have been published by Clavis, a specialised publishing house for youth- and children-books. Several of his books were nominated for literature prices and have been translated in foreign languages. 

For more information on his books (only in Dutch):